Memphis,Tennessee / SUN STUDIO




かつて僕は、ビンテージの1chオープンリールレコーダ AMPEX601をオークションで落札し、レコーディングできるようになるまで自分でメンテして、AEAのリボンマイクと組み合わせ、1950年代当時の音を再現できないか、とせっせとやってました。

ジョン・メレンキャンプがこのレコーダーをサンスタジオに持ち込んでアルバム「No Better Than This」の数曲をレコーディングしたんですが、この音像が僕の頭から離れなかったからで、、でもノイズはひどいし、テープ速度も安定しないし、とてもとても大変でした、、、

パンク/ニューウェイブを出発点とするようなバンドでも、やがて、「メンフィス詣で」をしますよね。わかりやすいとこだと、U2やプライマルスクリーム。当時、僕は、なぜ彼らがメンフィスに行くのかよくわかりませんでしたが、実際にサンスタジオを訪れた後に聞くエルビスのデビュー・アルバムは、パンクと共通する時代を切り開く切実な音がするし、音楽好きとして「ロックの大きな流れの中に少しでも触れてみたい」と思い、遠くメンフィスまで旅をしたわけです。(下の写真 : U2がRattle and Humで使ったレコーダーAKAI 12が展示されていました)



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During the summer of 2016, upon arriving in Memphis, I transferred to a bus running through the city. After a while on Union Avenue, I spotted Sun Studio on the left.

Of course, it’s where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, and Roy Orbison recorded. It’s the place where Presley, at 18 in 1953, made his first recording, so naturally, it’s part of the Beatles’ prehistory. It’s a sacred place that marks the starting point leading to the flourishing and global expansion of rock as we know it today. However, upon actually visiting, I found it to be rather modest, resembling more of a local electronics shop than the hallowed ground of music history I had imagined.

Inside, though, I could truly sense the atmosphere of the time as I carefully examined the studio and control room, noticing every scratch on the walls and stain on the ceiling. They had on display the precious equipment used in the 1950s: recorders, microphones, consoles, and more, which got me quite excited. Looking at the picture below, I noticed tape markings on the floor. A staff member told me, “This is where Elvis stood.”


I once won an auction for a vintage 1-channel open reel recorder, an AMPEX 601, and I meticulously maintained it until I could use it for recording. I combined it with an AEA ribbon mic, hoping to recreate the sound of the 1950s.

John Mellencamp brought this recorder to Sun Studio to record several tracks for his album “No Better Than This,” and the sound stuck with me. However, dealing with the intense noise and unstable tape speed was extremely difficult.

Even bands rooted in punk or new wave eventually make their pilgrimage to Memphis. Prominent examples include U2 and Primal Scream. At the time, I didn’t quite understand why they would go to Memphis. But after visiting Sun Studio and listening to Elvis’ debut album, which resonates with the urgent sound that paved the way for punk, I felt as a music enthusiast that I wanted to touch even a small part of the broader flow of rock. So, I made the journey to Memphis. (The picture below: The AKAI 12 recorder used by U2 on “Rattle and Hum” was on display.)

This is an amazing photo. The Million Dollar Quartet, right?



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