2015年の夏、ニューヨークへ行き、一日かけてグリニッジ・ビレッジ周辺を歩きました。ボブ・ディランは、僕の音楽人生で外せない一人なのですが、1960年代初頭、ニューヨーク グリニッジ・ヴィレッジでのフォークシーンの最中に、若きボブ・ディランが残した足跡を辿ることにしました。
Jones Street and West 4th Street, West Village, New York
161 West 4th Street, West Village, New York
110 MacDougal St, New York
CAFE WHA?はまだ営業中でした。ここは、当時のフォークシーンの重要なライブベニューの1つ。1961年1月24、故郷のミネソタからニューヨークへとやってきたディランはその足でここを訪れライヴを行いました。
115 MacDougal St, New York
The Gaslight Cafeがあった場所。ここも当時のフォークシーンの重要なライブベニューの1つです。
116 MacDougal St, New York
コーエン兄弟による映画、「Inside Llewyn Davis」は当時のビレッジ・フォークシーンを描いた素晴らしい映画で、大好きなフォークシンガー、デイヴ・ヴァン・ロンクがこの映画の主人公ですが、映画の最後でディランと思われる青年がGaslightで歌うシーンが遠目に描かれます。ディランの登場でシーンが一変する直前までを描いたとても興味深い作品です。
マクドゥーガルストリートといえば、大好きなシンガー、フレッド・ニール 。大好きなこのアルバム「Bleecker & MacDougal 」の交差点も写真に収めました。
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Jones Street and West 4th Street, West Village, New York
In the summer of 2015, I went to New York and spent a day walking around the Greenwich Village area. Bob Dylan is an indispensable figure in my musical journey, so I decided to trace the footsteps of the young Bob Dylan during the folk scene in Greenwich Village in the early 1960s.
First, I visited the iconic location featured on the cover of “Freewheelin'” where Bob Dylan and his girlfriend at the time, Suze Rotolo, posed.
Their apartment on Jones Street and West 4th Street was on the 4th floor, where they lived together in 1961.
Additionally, I visited 161 West 4th Street, the site of the Folklore Center opened by Izzy Young in 1957, which was an important place in the American folk music scene at the time.
Cafe Wha? on MacDougal Street was another significant venue in the folk scene, where Dylan performed live shortly after arriving in New York from Minnesota in January 1961.
The Gaslight Cafe, located at 115 MacDougal St, was also a pivotal venue in the folk scene.
The film “Inside Llewyn Davis,” directed by the Coen Brothers, depicted the Village folk scene and featured a scene where a young man believed to be Dylan performs at the Gaslight, offering an intriguing perspective on the era before Dylan’s emergence.
I also captured a photo of the intersection mentioned in the album “Bleecker & MacDougal” by my beloved singer Fred Neil.
Greenwich Village is rich with the footprints of various artists and movements, from the Beats like Kerouac and Ginsberg to Warhol’s Factory and the Chelsea Hotel, which housed figures like Edie Sedgwick and Nico. The area also holds significance in the history of punk, including figures like Patti Smith.
Washington Square Park, where I rested amidst numerous performers, resonates with the melody familiar to many Japanese people due to its use in a whiskey commercial reminiscent of “Late Night in Washington Square.”