2019年の夏、僕はテキサス州ダラスに着き、Deep Ellum地区に向かいました。なぜかと言うと、大好きなカントリー・ブルースマン Blind Lemon Jeffersonが活動していた1920年代、このストリートをねじろにし演奏して日銭を稼いでいたそうで、その歴史を伝える看板(上写真)が掲げてあります。
※「Blind」が付く盲目のブルースマンは何人もいますね、、、Blind Blakeも大好きなブルースマンです。
チップを集めるための空き缶を首からぶらさげ、路上や酒場で演奏するBlind Lemon Jeffersonの姿を想像しながらしばらくウロウロしましたが、真昼の灼熱の日差しがキツく人影なし。ダイナーに入り、アイスクリームかなんかを食べた記憶がありますが、夜になって再び訪れると完全夜の街。少し危険を感じながら冷たいビールを飲みました。
代表曲の1つ、「Matchbox Blues」は1927年録音。あっちこっちとギターのフレーズが寄り道しながら進む、彼独自のリズムのフローが大好きです。
In the summer of 2019, I arrived in Dallas, Texas and headed towards the Deep Ellum district. The reason? Well, it’s said that in the 1920s, my beloved country bluesman Blind Lemon Jefferson used to twist and turn through these streets, playing his heart out and earning his keep. There’s a sign (pictured above) that tells the story of his history.
There are quite a few bluesmen with “Blind” in their name, aren’t there? I’m also a big fan of Blind Blake.
I wandered around for a while, imagining Blind Lemon Jefferson with an empty can hanging around his neck, playing on the streets and in the bars to collect tips. But under the scorching midday sun, there was hardly a soul in sight. I remember ducking into a diner and having some ice cream or something, but when I returned in the evening, it was a completely different city, alive with the night. I felt a little uneasy but enjoyed a cold beer nonetheless.
One of his signature songs, “Matchbox Blues,” was recorded in 1927. I love the way his guitar phrases wander around, following his unique rhythmic flow.