2015年の夏、僕はマンハッタンから車で2時間くらいハイウェイを北上し、たどり着いた小さな街 「ウッドストック」。
歴史的名盤「Basement Tapes」。ボブディランとザ・バンドのメンバーが繰り広げるセッションの記録。まるで正体不明のゴーストが意味不明な言葉をうめきながら、この地下室内をさまよい歩き回るような不気味さを感じるのですが、長年、惹かれて止まない1枚です。
In the summer of 2015, I drove about two hours north on the highway from Manhattan and arrived at the small town of Woodstock.
Relying solely on GPS, I continued to wander the mountain roads, sometimes trespassing on private property and sweating nervously, sometimes startled as wild deer passed by in front of me, unconsciously honking the horn… Completely lost in the mountains of a foreign land, on the verge of giving up with a feeling of “Is it hopeless?” That moment, what appeared in front of me was that “Big Pink.”
The historic masterpiece “Basement Tapes.” It’s a record of sessions where Bob Dylan and members of The Band unfold. I felt a creepy sensation as if an unidentified ghost was wandering around this basement, emitting incomprehensible words, and it’s been a piece that has attracted me for years without stopping.
Here’s a video of my journey to “Big Pink,” captured by a camera installed in my car.